welcome to in a card's blog...
i know that "cute" is not a word typically used to describe good design, but in my world, it is. if it's your first reaction to say, "aww... how cute!" then it must be just that! "C-U-T-E." and i'm talking about so incredibly, ridiculously cute that the most masculine of men will even say those three words without thinking twice about it.
and so that is what i hope to share with you on my blog...
a combination of really unique ideas, simple thoughts that come randomly into my mind, along with "cute" designs that i've designed or come across.
for my niece's 4th birthday she is going to have a mad hatter tea party.
i love the mad hatter tea party theme because it allows me to play with all sorts of fun colors. the hat is made of glitter felt fabric, with actual ribbon used as the trim and paper flowers with a rhinestone center as added embellishment. i got to pair it up with fushia envelopes, lined with the perfect orange with white polka dot wrapping paper.
© in a card | all rights reserved
I love this card, and would love to get them for a Mad Hatter Party. Please let me know where I can buy them. My name is Lourdes and u can contact me at licrohare@aol.com