Monday, September 17, 2012

fun with wall decals

having the tools to create custom designs to decorate your home and/or studio is always a fun perk.  lucky for me, i have tee, of mind's eye design studio.  a.k.a., creator of vinyl wall decals on Etsy shop, put 'em in the wall.  

over the weekend, we worked on creating a wall decal of a quote i found years ago in a real simple magazine that i thought would be awesome showcased in the kitchen.  

a quote by sophia loren:

"The most indispensable ingredient of all good home cooking: Love, for those you are cooking for."

i also wanted to create a new sign for the studio door that i got inspiration from when i saw this image a few months back.

a few pics from our work in progress...
prepping the vinyl decals includes weeding out each individual letter. some may find this process to be a bit tedious, but i find it to be therapeutic.
tee getting the decals ready for application.
here is how each piece turned out...

the kitchen...
and the studio door...
thought it would be fun to include the studio hours as well.  :)

studio hours
open most days 9 or 10am
rarely at 7am or 8am
occasionally 11am or 12pm
we close about 5pm or 6pm
occasionally 3pm or 4pm for happy hour
but sometimes as late as 11pm or 12am
some days we may not be here at all
or we may be here all day

make sure you check out tee's Etsy shop if you want to see other wall designs he has available to decorate your space.


  1. Amazing, amazing tutorial about Custom Wall Stickers! thanks so much for sharing, i will for sure be doing this as soon as i buy a home!!

  2. Wow ....editing wall decals such a fun, now I got it...Soon change the look of my wall decal

    custom stickers
