Tuesday, January 17, 2012

movin' and groovin'

my blog has sort of taken a back seat since i've moved.  but i thought i'd post a few pics since the new year (and move) to fill you in on what i've been up to.

would you be surprised to learn that all these boxes actually have been put away?  well at least 90% have.  the remaining 10% await some sort of storage space.
to make room for everything, i had to get rid of a lot, so, i had my first ever yard sale.  of course i had to make a cute sign for it.  it was a lot of fun to see "one man's junk, is another man's treasure" in full effect.
in between all this unpacking and organizing, both Etsy shops have been super busy.  i think 2012 is turning out to be the year of babies and parties.  i've made so many onesies and invitations already and we're only in the middle of january!  i love it!
through it all, i have this new little plant to remind me how amazing life is.  every time i wake up, i look to see how much more it's grown and bloomed.  it's quite the little inspiration!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

custom bridal shower invite

you may have read a few blog posts ago, about jessica, from Silhoupette.  well turns out she's also a soon to be bride and her friend christine, from Christine Chang Photography, contacted me to create her bridal shower invitations.  it's a fun alice in wonderland afternoon tea inspired bridal shower and a very sweet custom illustration was supplied to me to be the main focus of the invitation.  

check out this very playful illustration, complete with a hidden mickey mouse and a silhoupette incorporated into the design created especially for jessica and how i applied it onto the invitation.

if you'd like to learn more about the illustration and it's creator, feel free to get in touch with christine directly.  you can contact her by visiting her website, www.christinechangphoto.com.  i know she'll be more than happy to share her contact with you.